Liverpool News

Pep Guardiola acknowledges Liverpool's strength in the Premier League

The Spanish manager pointed out that for 30 consecutive Premier Leagues Liverpool have had the most points.

By Charles Cornwall

07/08/2022, 03:27 AM

The Spanish manager pointed out that for 30 consecutive Premier Leagues Liverpool have had the most points.

Manchester City's Spanish manager Pepe Guardiola spoke about Liverpool's strength in recent Premier League seasons, where his side and Anfield have taken the most points in tournaments. He also specified that they must be forceful and competitive in order to win the competition again, as they did last season.

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Guardiola's words

"We try to avoid that, we have long weeks of preparation, every week we improve. To be competitive, to be consistent. I know what we can do. We want to take the next step in the way we play and this is the desire to do it." Before continuing, "You're right, the bar with the two teams. In the 30 Premier Leagues nobody gets more points than both teams.

"There are two [seasons], one before the World Cup, you can't win before but you can lose. You have to start well, knowing that if we lose points we have 37 games. "We've won two PL with a one-point lead, we know we can win 12-14 in a row. Liverpool too. We have to start well, but also the feeling since we arrived, maybe we have a longer holiday than normal, the team has a lot of confidence in them.

“I see all the training sessions, the guys are still there. How they train every day, I see that we are still there. The confidence I get is from the pitch, from every training session.”



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